
Day 1
Introduction Day
After watching the OkGo Introduction Video, the class will form the driving question: what kind of machine can you build that will complete a chore or task for you? The students will play a Rube Goldberg themed game and begin brainstorming to create a rough draft of their sketches.
Next, they will break into groups and work together to discuss their ideas for their machines and peer review each other. The teacher will show the students the website and share the "Turn In" folders where the students will submit all of their work. The students may leave when they complete Exit Ticket 1.
Play the game
Day 2
Work Day
This day is time for the students to individually work on their machines and to ask the teacher questions about any problems they may be having.
First, the teacher will work through some slides with the class and review necessary equations for energy transfer. Then the students will have about 30 minutes to work on their machines and about 20 minutes to work on their videos.
Day 3
Presentation Day
The students should be finished with their machines and have submitted their video recordings of their machines in action. Now we get to sit back with some snacks and watch everyone's Rube Goldberg Machines! We will be grading each others machines using the Peer Review while we watch.